Sunday, December 11, 2011

Welcome to my Blog

I think Jenifer Hudson says it best " I, I, I've been through some things. Please don't hold that against me."

I created this blog, because I need a healthy outlet that doesn't leave me hung over, in jail, or in some kind of psycho ward.

A couple of circumstances, let me rephrase that, SEVERAL CONSISTENT circumstances has lead me wanting to change how I view and interact with relationships. Not just intimate relationships but relationships with people in general. If you are asking yourself,  " Why would I be doing so or what is her motivation?". Well, what had happened was...Ok, no for real. The straw that broke that camels back was my recent interactions with a guy.  Yes, if you are thinking this is another girl that is mad that some guy broke her heart and now she is motivated to write a blog. Well, sir or madam you are correct. But, that is not the only reason. I've been told on many occasions that my life is like a Soap Opera. At one time, I thought I should create my own reality TV show but um...NO! Friends would kill me (because I would be exposing their skeletons), my family would disown me and I would just be too embarrassed to really show my natural self. So, I have resulted in Blogging. This allows for me to tell the story how Pretty P sees it. Omitting the things that I feel is unnecessary, naturally leaving me looking like the victim or the (joking...a little). I will make this promise to the reader. I promise to tell the story as truthful as possible. I will ATTEMPT to tell you everything, but I will replace the real names with fake ones to protect the GUILTY.

I have purposefully left out who I am because I will save that for another day another blog.

Now, let the journey begin. Enjoy:-)

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